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AB Agri [United Kingdom]

Country/Region: United Kingdom

Inquiry about Saw Tooth Cotton Gin  [United Kingdom]

Update Time: 2011-06-06
Valid to: Never Expired
Detailed Description: Dear Sir/Madam, I have a student undertaking a project for me which involves collecting/analysing samples of cotton from a wide range of locations. As a premier manufacturer of cotton ginning equipment, do you have a retained store containing samples of raw cotton or ginned cotton from defined locations across China (or even the world?) that could be made available for scanning? It is not necessary for the samples to leave your offices/store and they would not necessarily have to be depleted or destroyed, just simply scanned on a piece of equipment. All I really need to know is whether the samples exist? I would be extremely grateful for your help on this if at all possible (or if you could make me aware of whether such a store of samples might exist elsewhere at either a manufacturers or Institute etc and if so, where?) With kind regards Trevor Theobald
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Mr. Trevor Theobald
AB Agri
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